Five Simple Ways To Improve Your Health

Improving your health doesn’t have to involve complicated or overwhelming regimens. It can be as simple as introducing a few new habits and reinforcing ones you probably already know about. Here are some easy ways to strengthen your physical and mental health.

#1 Drink more water. We’ve all heard it. It’s been said over and over but it really does make a difference. Drinking 11-12 glasses of clean water for a woman, and 12-15 glasses a day for a man can dramatically improve your health. More than 60% of the adult human body is made up of water. Our bodies need water to keep every system properly functioning. Drinking water can boost your metabolism and energy, especially drinking cold water. When you drink cold water, your body has to convert it back to your body temperature, which burns calories. To add more water to your day, carry a large water bottle with you, avoid sugary drinks, and add a lemon or lime wedge for extra vitamin C and antioxidants.

#2 Consume collagen. Collagen helps improve the cartilage in your joints, which relieves joint pain. Research has shown that supplementing with collagen may stimulate the body’s tissues to create more collagen. Bone mass deteriorates as we age and bones are mostly made of collagen. Studies have shown that women who take collagen have an increase of up to 7% in bone mass density, which lowers the risk of osteoporosis. Collagen also increases muscle mass, improves heart, brain and gut health. It benefits every system in the human body.

#3 Eat more high-antioxidant fruits and veggies. Fruits such as berries, red grapes, peaches, pears, oranges, apricots, melons, avocados and papaya are high in antioxidants. Additionally, tomatoes, kale, red cabbage, dark chocolate, pecans, and honey are all high in antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radicals that attack cells in the body. They reduce inflammation and protect against heart disease and certain kinds of cancers.

#4 Get moving. Exercise, even something as mild as a ten minute walk around the block, can greatly improve your health. It strengthens your heart, increases blood flow and circulation, lowers the risk of heart disease and other health problems. Exercise also improves digestion and mood, fights against the signs of aging and enhances sleep at night. Our bodies were made to move and when they do, we feel and look better.

#5 Get Enough Sleep. Sleep is essential for our body and brain to function at an optimal level. When we don’t get enough sleep, it increases the risk of accidents and disease. Taking time to wind down an hour before bed, writing in a journal, praying, and stretching can all improve the quality of sleep. Also, drinking enough water throughout the day can make it easier to fall asleep at night.

So, there you have it! Five easy ways to start improving your health today that don’t require a lot of money or fancy, complicated regimens. These tips will lower your stress level and improve your physical and mental health, which in turn, will lead to more joy and energy in your life.

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