Jump Start Your Health To The Next Level

Most people today are aware of how important nutrition and exercise is to our health, but beauty and personal care items that are filled with toxins are still often overlooked as the culprit for many health challenges. It’s an area that has gone under the radar for so long that even now, in our more health-conscious society, it just doesn’t get the attention it should. Undoubtedly, it has a lot to do with advertising and who is promoting big name cosmetics. The images of beautiful women celebrities linked to a particular product sells with little effort but the products themselves can be loaded with hidden toxins.

However, consumers in the U.S. have become more conscientious and informed in recent years, which has created more demand for healthier products. Still, many of the big-name retail brands have undergone green-washing in an attempt to give the consumer more peace of mind that the products are “natural” but a peek at the ingredient list (if you can read it) frequently reveals a different story. There are, however, several lines now that are organic and toxin-free, and it’s encouraging to see more accessibility of safe, effective skin and personal care products on the market.

Lemongrass Spa is a company I found six years ago, when I was experiencing some health challenges of my own. I was raising six kids, running a household, working part-time and providing care-giving for a family member. My stress level was definitely high! I had always been an active, health-conscious person from my youth and practiced healthy eating habits and daily exercise, but there were still some areas of my health that needed improvement.

One of the first things that clued me in to the impact personal care products were having on my health was a sensitivity to fragrances. I began researching and discovered that the ingredients in make-up, skincare and haircare items are very often toxic and can cause such things as hormone imbalances, respiratory problems and cancer. During that time of ongoing research, I found Lemongrass Spa.

I was instantly impressed with the company’s commitment to providing the highest quality ingredients from around the globe that soothe, condition and heal the skin. From the first time I tried the products, my skin has absolutely loved them! The fact that each product is hand-crafted in smaller amounts to ensure fresher ingredients is what made Lemongrass Spa stand out to me above other lines that are available in the stores. I knew the products would not lose their efficacy from being made in a factory, sitting in a warehouse, and transported to a store and then sitting on a shelf for who knows how long. The incredible research and care put into each product for every type of skin made them a cut above the rest. There are zero hidden chemicals in Lemongrass Spa products and they are scented with essential oils and flower and fruit essences, instead of phthalate-ridden, headache causing fragrances.

Since that time six years ago when I overhauled my make-up and personal care products, I have seen a huge improvement in hormonal health, as well as the condition of my hair and skin. Improved health was my overall goal, but the outstanding results have been an unexpected, fantastic bonus!

If you’re looking for make-up and skincare that is both healthy and performs well, I encourage you to give Lemongrass Spa a try. All of the ingredients for every product are listed on my website. You can shop the catalogue here.

If you would like to receive emails with monthly specials and sales, sign up below and I’ll keep you in the loop!

If you have any questions about products, please get in touch through email, my Lemongrass website or simply by leaving a comment below. I’d love to assist you on the journey to a healthier you!

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