
Hi, I’m Avigayil

My name, Avigayil, is Hebrew and it means “My father’s Joy”. My journey has not always been an easy one but finding joy in the midst of the “Oy!” is what this website is all about.
I love to share inspirational stories, information about Jewish culture and history, natural living tips, family favorite recipes and scriptural truths to bring health and joy to people’s lives.
The ancient words of Zephaniah spoken to Israel are true for all those who believe today…”Adonai your God is in your midst, A victorious warrior. He will exult over you with singing, He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.”

Whether you’re looking for information about Jewish roots, healthy living tips, recipes that bring people together or answers to deeper questions, I hope you enjoy your visit here.  Most of all, I hope you find joy in the journey!

7 Fun Facts About Me

  1. I love the outdoors and sunshine. The mountains. The ocean. The desert. Lakes, creeks and rivers. I love it all. Bug spray and sunscreen are two things I usually have on me.
  2. I’m a natural living consultant and fitness enthusiast but I also like to indulge in half a pan of brownies from time to time. This is a problem I’m currently trying to work
  3. I’m crazy about my six kids and consider motherhood my greatest calling in life.
  4. I love the smell and taste of coffee but unfortunately, it doesn’t agree with me. Neither does my sixteen-year-old son most of the time, but thankfully, I haven’t thrown him out. Yet. See #3
  5. When I was a kid, my greatest fear was that my next naughty move would turn me into a blown up blueberry like Violet from Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory. It hasn’t happened yet but I’m still careful about the kind of gum I chew.
  6. I married my best friend and opposite twenty-one years ago and we’re still friends, (most days), which I consider to be a pretty big deal.
  7. Psalm 27 is my life verse, or I should say, verses. They all apply. Life hasn’t been easy but I find tremendous comfort in knowing Yeshua.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I’m so glad you’re here!

Blessings and Shalom,

Spread the Joy!